Lizzy and Nate – 5.21.16

Oh man.. Lizzy and Nate’s wedding!  Sometimes… just sometimes…. one of those couples comes around that are just so unique and awesome that when they ask you to photograph their wedding… you start doing a happy dance in your living room.  THIS was one of those couples.  And THIS was one of those weddings.  I mean, two people that met at an invitational board game convention, does it seriously get any more offbeat and up my ‘favorite wedding alley’ than that?

When I got an email originally from Lizzy asking for information for their wedding at KNOEBELS, I was a little more then just excited. Our original consult went off swimmingly, which left me wondering… ‘I wish these two didn’t live all the way out in Washington State because I would like to hang out with them quite regularly.’   Have you ever been so excited about something you just find ways to bring it up in every conversation? Literally me.  For about a week after I booked their wedding.  For example, random stranger… “Oh hey Alysha, how are you today?” Me, “I BOOKED A WEDDING AT KNOEBELS.” I’m sure I left a lot of my coworkers scratching their heads lol.
So why did these two, from Washington, decide to have a Knoebel’s wedding in Elysburg, Pennsylvania? Wellllll, originally Lizzy is from this area.  These two actually got hitched earlier in the year and now wanted to share in their celebrations with friends and family!  They’ve actually had a few different weddings, from one side of the country to the other.  In turn, bringing together their friends and family that they have all of the US. How cool is that?  The way they described their wedding celebration day was, ‘a lot less formal and more like a big family reunion.’  And that’s exactly what it was!
Two people, surrounded by the friends and family who clearly love them and all their uniqueness to death!  I was sooo excited to meet these two after many phone/Skype calls and when they saw me, I got a big running hug!  That’s how the whole day went.  Lots of hugs, laughter, funny stories and I mean.. duh.. lots of rides.  It was a theme park wedding after all!
For their ceremony, these two had a hand-fasting ceremony on the entrance of the Phoenix!  Yes, the Phoenix.  I mean… it’s only one of the top TEN wooden rollercoasters in the world! Hands tied together, these two literally took their first ‘plunge’ with their guests. While they did have the Pheonix for an hour, they also planned to meet up at various rides and take them over throughout the day.  We took over the Carousel and the Bumper Cars.  What fun!  Plus, Knoebel’s staff was awesome and helped me throughout the day.  We even got the brass ring at the Carousel for some fun ‘ring’ shots and bumper cars placed in just the right way for couple shots!
What a wonderful day!  Plus, a totally and awesomely unique couple.  They’re like a unicorn and they only come around every so often (not to say I don’t love all my couples, but I mean… rollercoasters.. come on!).  So here’s to a gazillion more years of mutual weirdness for these two!

One Comment on “Lizzy and Nate – 5.21.16

  1. You are such a gifted WRITER as well as PHOTOGRAPHER sunshineŠ. I’m proud of you just because you are you, Šbut you give me more and more reasons to celebrate your unique and wonderful person everyday! ŠI love youŠ! Mom


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